DRIVING ROAD SAFETY Group member login
Registered Charity  Number 1070176

Welcome to the

Kingston upon Hull & East Riding Group

of the IAM

The Kingston upon Hull and East Riding Group is part of the UK's leading road safety charity, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM).  Nationally we are dedicated to raising driving standards through our Advanced Driving Test, engaging with the road-using public through our national site (see our News Releases and Driving Tips) and local Group sites like this one, and influencing road safety policy (for example through the work of a sister organisation, the IAM Motoring Trust).


Get More from your Driving

So often speaking to experienced drivers they say how the enthusiasm and interest they once had for driving has, over the years, waned to a point that they no longer consider driving a pleasure.

One of the IAM’s key goals is to help its Members and Associates develop advanced skills that help make their driving a more enjoyable and rewarding experience once again.

Becoming an advanced driver is like taking a journey of continuous learning, and one of its key stages is the internationally recognised Advanced Test.   Pioneered by the IAM, it is this for which our organisation is perhaps best known.

There is however much more.

Established in 1956, the IAM is the UK’s leading road safety organisation dedicated to raising driving and riding standards and reducing the number of collisions that occur on our roads.

This is achieved in a number of ways:

Widely respected in its field, the IAM advises and is consulted by leading organisations world-wide with responsibilities for Road Safety.


A Totally Independent Voice

The IAM is a registered charity.  We are not owned by or financially dependent on any other organisation, commercial or public sector.  Our financial support comes mainly from the annual membership fees of more than 112,000 members throughout the UK and beyond together with the charges we make for administering the Advanced Test.

Responsible only to its own members, the IAM represents drivers and motorcyclists in particular and the public in general on road safety and related matters with a truly independent voice.